Medical device sheet metal chassis shell

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During the use of medical devices, electrostatic discharge is a common and headache causing problem. Taking medical equipment with plastic shells as an example, in order to reduce the electromagnetic emission of plastic shell equipment and improve its resistance to radio frequency interference, designers will conduct conductive spraying on the plastic shell. In order to achieve a significant effect of conductive spraying, it is usually required to spray all the gaps in the bonding area of the plastic shell, in order to achieve the continuity of conduction generated by the bonding. However, this practice also creates new electrostatic discharge contact points. That is to say, while designers solve a problem, they also introduce a new and very tricky problem.

Medical device sheet metal chassis shell

During the use of medical devices, electrostatic discharge is a common and headache causing problem. Taking medical equipment with plastic shells as an example, in order to reduce the electromagnetic emission of plastic shell equipment and improve its resistance to radio frequency interference, designers will conduct conductive spraying on the plastic shell. In order to achieve a significant effect of conductive spraying, it is usually required to spray all the gaps in the bonding area of the plastic shell, in order to achieve the continuity of conduction generated by the bonding. However, this practice also creates new electrostatic discharge contact points. That is to say, while designers solve a problem, they also introduce a new and very tricky problem.

In order to solve the problem of electrostatic discharge in medical equipment, designers have started replacing plastic materials with metal, such as medical equipment with stainless steel shells.

Stainless steel itself has good electrical conductivity, as well as excellent corrosion resistance, rust prevention, and high strength compression resistance. After proper grounding settings, it can effectively solve the problem of electrostatic discharge.

The processing of precision metal medical equipment sheet metal chassis not only prevents electrostatic discharge, but also provides a good and stable working environment for the equipment interior, effectively improving the service life of medical equipment.




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