What is the definition of intelligent manufacturing equipment

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The definition of intelligent manufacturing equipment is: manufacturing equipment with sensing, analysis, reasoning, decision-making, and control functions, which is the integration and deep integration of advanced manufacturing technology, information technology, and intelligent technology. We will focus on promoting the development of high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, automated complete production lines, intelligent control systems, precision and intelligent instruments and testing equipment, key basic components, components, and general components, as well as intelligent specialized equipment, to achieve automation, intelligence, precision, and green production processes, and drive the overall technological level of the industry to improve.

What is the definition of intelligent manufacturing equipment

The definition of intelligent manufacturing equipment is: manufacturing equipment with sensing, analysis, reasoning, decision-making, and control functions, which is the integration and deep integration of advanced manufacturing technology, information technology, and intelligent technology.
We will focus on promoting the development of high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, automated complete production lines, intelligent control systems, precision and intelligent instruments and testing equipment, key basic components, components, and general components, as well as intelligent specialized equipment, to achieve automation, intelligence, precision, and green production processes, and drive the overall technological level of the industry to improve.



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