Precision and intelligent instruments and testing equipment field

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In the field of precision and intelligent instruments and test equipment, it is necessary to focus on the development of intelligent pressure, flow, material level, composition, materials, mechanical properties and other precision instruments and scientific instruments, as well as special environmental, safety and national defense testing instruments for the needs of biological, energy conservation and environmental protection, petrochemical and other industries. In the field of key basic components, components, and general components, it is necessary to focus on the development of high parameter, high-precision, and high reliability bearings, hydraulic/pneumatic/sealing components, gear transmission devices, and large, precision, complex, and long-life molds.

Precision and intelligent instruments and testing equipment field

In the field of precision and intelligent instruments and test equipment, it is necessary to focus on the development of intelligent pressure, flow, material level, composition, materials, mechanical properties and other precision instruments and scientific instruments, as well as special environmental, safety and national defense testing instruments for the needs of biological, energy conservation and environmental protection, petrochemical and other industries.
In the field of key basic components, components, and general components, it is necessary to focus on the development of high parameter, high-precision, and high reliability bearings, hydraulic/pneumatic/sealing components, gear transmission devices, and large, precision, complex, and long-life molds.



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