Precautions during the processing of medical instrument casings

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Precautions during the processing of medical instrument casings Step 1: Carving (using a carving machine to carve necessary assembly components) lays a good beginning for the subsequent shape and assembly. Step 2: Shape the carved parts. Attention: The shape of the parts cannot be ignored. Its quality directly determines the size of the workload and appearance during assembly. Step 3: Deep processing of formed parts (polishing, correction) Precautions: Deep processing is a meticulous task that tests the quality of the parts and also determines the appearance of the assembled chassis.

Precautions during the processing of medical instrument casings

Precautions during the processing of medical instrument casings Step 1: Carving (using a carving machine to carve necessary assembly components) lays a good beginning for the subsequent shape and assembly.
Step 2: Shape the carved parts. Attention: The shape of the parts cannot be ignored. Its quality directly determines the size of the workload and appearance during assembly.
Step 3: Deep processing of formed parts (polishing, correction) Precautions: Deep processing is a meticulous task that tests the quality of the parts and also determines the appearance of the assembled chassis.
Step 4: Assemble. Attention: The assembly work is related to the quality issues of the entire product afterwards, and it is important and cannot be ignored.
Step 5: Overall polishing. Attention: Subsequent coating issues and whether the surface is smooth are not related to grinding. Attention: When painting, attention should be paid to the techniques used, and there should be neither too much nor too little. Everything is valued in moderation.
The medical case made of plastic is a case reconstructed or pressed with industrial plastics, mainly including polypropylene, polycarbonate, structural foam plastic, ABS, etc. Due to the advantages of industrial plastics such as high specific strength and stiffness, light weight, convenient processing, high production efficiency, corrosion resistance, low cost, and good gloss, medical cases made of plastics were quickly widely used in medical devices.



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